A few months back as Taylor and I sat at a high top table in Chick-fil-A studying about the life of David, I noticed a lady approaching our table. I looked up as she introduced herself. "I'm Judy," she said. "I just wanted to thank you girls for studying the Bible together today; it blesses my heart to see you sitting here." We smiled and talked with her for a few minutes about how God was working in our lives. Then she left to rejoin her family at a nearby table. I thanked the Lord for the small, encouraging moments but didn't think much of it.
A month later found me sitting in a different Chick-fil-A after another meeting. As I realized I needed to use the restroom before leaving, I clearly sensed the Spirit say, "Don't go to the restroom right now. Wait." I frowned. Why in the world did the Spirit care when I went to the bathroom? Still, I obliged. Five minutes later, He released me, and I scurried off. In the restroom, I noticed a lady washing her hands. As she turned to me, we recognized each other. After greeting me by name, she asked me, "What is going on in your life? I've been praying for you for a month. I've thought of you much because when I saw you in the Chick-fil-A before, I knew that the Lord is with you." I told her about support-raising. She asked to meet with me further in the near future and gave me her contact info.
I was so amazed at the way the Lord had worked! Just as I'd begun to struggle with support-raising again, He had sent a random stranger in the Chick-fil-A bathroom to ask to hear about my support-raising needs!
Two weeks later, Mrs. Judy got back with me and asked me to come to a ladies' retreat she was doing and share my Oregon story. I did. It was a beautiful weekend of sharing with women from all over GA and AL. I was encouraged and made good connections for future ministry. I felt like God was going above and beyond.
But oh, the Lord wasn't done!
However in the middle of awesome and even more awesome, I experienced the worst day of support-raising I've had all summer. I fell apart before the Lord last Tuesday in despair. It has been a long, stretching summer. I've encountered a lot of apathetic churches and received "no" for an answer more than not. Though God has provided so much, I was struggling with the remaining 35%. I felt like I was hitting walls in every single direction. I felt like I didn't know anyone else to speak with. I had received a no from yet another church. I was worried about September's rent, which I had to pay whether I finished support-raising and moved to Oregon or not. I was frustrated with trying to walk in obedience and feeling like God wasn't doing His part. Or at least I couldn't see it. That day found me flat on my floor crying and being honest with my ever-present Daddy.
Back to the ladies and Mrs. Judy.... not only did the Lord come through in those next 24 hours by using those sweet women to provide my first month's rent TO THE DOLLAR (without them even knowing I'd asked the Lord for it), but He also allowed with me to meet with three of them about my financial needs.
As I sat in the coffee shop with them talking about Oregon, Mrs. Judy handed me an envelope and asked me to read the card aloud. As I neared the bottom of the note, my eyes grew wide as I read the words, "You have women of God praying for you; we will be with you as you share your Portland ministry and vision on Victory 91.5."
"Say what?" I asked.
"Yes, I called them up and asked them to give you a slot. You'll be sharing soon live on the air."
I gulped.
Spirit was laughing. "Remember when you said you didn't know anyone else to talk to? Well, I know everyone. So you just need to chill!"
My mind flashed back to a dream I'd had the night before that I hadn't understood. I had been walking around and around a big white, Southern house. I hadn't known why I was walking around it or where it was but I realized in that moment that the house was the one that the radio station is based in. I had to smile. He was confirming His goodness and will.
He is crazy! I will be sharing tomorrow morning, Wednesday, August 28th, at 9AM on Victory 91.5, the Christian radio station for the North Georgia area. I appreciate your prayers not only for my nerves but also that I will speak the words Spirit wants me to speak as I share. Also please pray for the Lord to use this to bring specific individuals to my monthly financial team. I still have $1020/month to raise in 18 days. I am praying that the Lord might complete my financial team through this opportunity so that I can go! That's actually very do-able; if 21 individuals out of all who hear the radio broadcast committed to give $50/month, I would be at 100%! But, ultimately, pray that He will be glorified!
And if the Lord ever tells you to wait and go to the bathroom later... OBEY! =)
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